286 Authors Russell Blackford, Ph.D. http://www.users.bigpond.com/russellblackford/ Writer, critic, and student of philosophy, based in Melbourne. First class honors degrees in both Arts and Law. Publications include Strange Constellations: A History of Australian Science Fiction (1999; co-written with Van Ikin and Sean McMul- len), the science fiction trilogy Terminator 2: The New John Connor Chronicles (2002-2003), and many articles, reviews, and short stories. He is currently a graduate student and a sessional lecturer in the School of Philosophy and Bioethics, Monash University. Nick Bostrom, Ph.D. http://www.nickbostrom.com/ British  Academy  Research  Fellow  at  Oxford  University, Dr.  Bostrom  is  co-founder  of  the  World  Transhumanist Association and has a background in physics, computational neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and philosophy. Manfred Clynes, Ph.D. http://www.microsoundmusic.com/clynes/ Professor  at  the  Lombardi  Cancer  Center  in  Georgetown University  in  Washington,  DC,  Clynes  grew  up  listening to recordings of Pablo Casals’ transcendent classical perfor- mances, and often the music would transport him. “ I used to have these wonderful moments of ecstasy that seemed tre- mendously important.” he says, “And I assumed that other people had them all the time; only much later I found out that wasn’t the case.” During a presentation at a NASA confer- ence in 1960, Professor Clynes coined the term cyborg, comb-